Chris, a self-proclaimed recovering belly shower, found it hard to find a shirt that fit just right. With a body like a Yeti and a long torso, he sourced his own.

His mission? To craft top-quality, belly-hiding shirts that offer both comfort and style.

With a lifetime of wearing shirts, Chris understands the plight of the ill-fitting shirt all too well.

Whether from personal wardrobe malfunctions or observing the constant tug-of-war others face with their attire, he believes everyone deserves a shirt that looks good and feels right without revealing too much.

With Yonder Folks, he infuses rural wisdom into city chic fashion, ensuring every shirt is 40% creative, 40% bear cuddles, and 20% more room for BBQ eaten.

At Yonder Folks, we're a small but mighty team determined to make a significant impact. Our mission is to empower you to feel confident and comfortably covered with shirts designed to accommodate even Yeti-like proportions.

So, why settle for less? Embrace a revolution in comfort and style, masterfully sourced and created by Chris for all of us with a bit more to love.

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